Belle’s Buds Rescue is passionate about making a difference in the lives of people and dogs. We want to save dogs of all sizes and breeds. We envision a day where every adoptable dog has a loving, safe, forever home, and is no longer suffering alone on the streets. We rescue, heal, foster, and adopt dogs in need.

About Us:
Belle's Buds Rescue was co-founded by Tammy Livingston and Julia Stanzer, neighbors and best friends that share a love and passion for dogs and animals alike.
Belle's Buds Rescue was formed to carry on the memory of Tammy's beloved dog Belle. Belle had a caring spirit, a calming manner and the dedication to care for every person and animal that crossed her path. Belle was not only an amazing therapy dog who changed the lives of many people, she was truly an angel on earth to many furry friends as well. While Belle can never be replaced, Tammy was left with a hole in her heart after she survived two floods at her home, lost her husband, and then shortly after lost Belle in December 2017. Tammy and Julia ventured together on-line and at shelters to give another loving dog a forever home. It was at that time they learned about the severity of the stray dog problem in Houston and they also wanted to make a difference in the lives of abandoned dogs by offering foster homes.
In April of 2018, Julia was on her way to work when she saw a dog running across a Farm-to-Market road and suddenly get hit by a truck. The driver of the truck never hit his breaks and kept on going leaving the dog crying in agony. Without even thinking, Julia ran to the dog, picked him up and put him in her truck. After calling animal control and even going to the police station but not getting the answer she wanted to hear, she called Tammy and they both agreed they need to just take him to the vet. She picked up Tammy and together they took him to the closest vet where they put him on oxygen and offered to give him the best care while they searched for his potential owners. Miraculously he had no broken bones! After posting on social media looking for owners and asking for help, an amazing Good Samaritan called the vet and paid the entire bill so they could bring Adam home. It was at that pivotal moment when they both agreed it was time to start their own dog rescue; so they took Adam under their wing and started calling themselves Belle's Buds Rescue.
Fast forward to June 2020, BBR opened a NorthEast hub with co-leaders Lia Post and Michelle Sayer primarily based in Upstate New York (Rochester area) and Jen Foster joined our team Winter of 2022. Today and thousands of dogs later they have truly found their calling matching dogs with their forever homes and making a difference in the lives of so many furry friends and people alike.
Belle's Buds Rescue is registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization established in October 2018.
We are thankful for all of our supporters, donators, adopters, and fosters; you help us make a difference in the lives of these amazing animals. Especially thankful for our fellow board members and volunteers who help and encourage us to pursue our dream of saving one dog at a time.

© 2018 Belles Buds Rescue